Can Fast Food lead to Asthma, Hay Fever and Eczema? New Study Suggests Link

CNN: Teenagers and young children who eat fast food could be increasing their risk of developing asthma, eczema and hay fever, according to a study published Monday in the British Medical Journal’s respiratory journal Thorax.

The International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC) study used written questionnaires completed by 319,196 13-  and 14-year-olds from 51 countries and by the parents of 181,631 6- and 7-year-olds in 31 countries.  They were asked if they had symptoms of the three conditions and about their weekly diet – including the types of foods they ate over the last year, and how often.

“We found clear associations between certain foods and severe asthma, hay fever (or allergic rhinoconjunctivitis) and eczema in the largest study of allergies in children (aged 6-7 years) and adolescents (13-14 years) to date,” said study author Hywel Williams of the Centre for Evidence Based Dermatology, Queen’s Medical Centre, University Hospital, Nottingham, UK.  According to Williams, the associations between allergic diseases and fast food were “only really convincing for severe disease.”

Researchers saw a protective effect against severe asthma for those who ate fruit at least three times a week.  Those consuming fast food three or more times a week had about a 30% increased risk of severe asthma, hay fever and eczema, a chronic skin condition that causes scaly, itchy rashes.  The results were consistent in both age groups.  Affluence and gender did not change or affect the outcome.

“The cautionary notes are that this study showed an association, which does not always mean that the link between food and allergies is causal,” Williams said. “It could be due to other factors linked to behavior that we have not measured, or it could be due to biases that occur in studies that measure disease and ask about previous food intake.”

Study authors say if further research shows that consuming a lot of fast food actually does cause these types of allergies, it could have major public health implications because of the rise in fast food consumption globally.

“It’s not at all surprising to me that a disease as complex as asthma would be directly affected by diet.  We’ve known for a while that diet can affect immune system function with certain foods being pro or anti-inflammatory,” says Dr. Stephen Teach, who is the chief of the Division of Allergy and Immunology at Children’s National Medical Center in Washington and was not involved in the research.

“Given that asthma’s inherently an inflammatory disease, with swelling and inflammation of the small to medium-size airways of the lung, it is not at all surprising that diet should affect those processes in some way.”

Teach said it’s important to note that these are associations only. “In other words, it would be wrong to assume from the results of this study that fast foods directly cause allergic disease.  It is possible that some unmeasured effect of socioeconomic status or environment which correlates with fast foods may in fact be responsible.”

Either way, Williams said, there is a take-home message for parents.  He says you don’t have to stop eating fast food entires, ” but to eat a balanced diet with plenty of fresh fruit and maybe less fast food – one or two times per week rather than three or more – if your child has allergies.”


The Healthiest 31 Foods you should be Eating Now!








It’s still close enough to January 1st for many of us to still be trying to stick to our resolutions. For my family, that always means eating as many healthy foods as possible. It’s a fact of life that some days that happens more than others. But check out this list of the top 31 foods you should be eating. Even if you can’t get most of the list into your diet daily, strive to get as many as possible. Your body will thank you. Print the list…keep it handy….highlight a food you’ve never tried and commit to try it within the next week.


Without further adieu……The Top 31 Foods:

  • Black Beans
  • Kale
  • Salmon
  • Walnuts
  • Pumpkin
  • Apples
  • Blueberries
  • Bananas
  • Broccoli
  • Spinach
  • Sweet Potatoes
  • Kidney Beans
  • Lentils
  • Red Beets
  • Eggplant
  • Brussels Sprouts
  • Tomatoes
  • Whole-Wheat Bread
  • Quinoa
  • Steel-Cut Oatmeal
  • Bulgur
  • Lean Meat
  • Flaxseeds
  • Chia Seeds
  • Almonds
  • Tuna
  • Fat-Free Milk
  • Fat-Free Greek Yogurt
  • Dark Chocolate
  • Red Wine
  • Extra-Virgin Olive Oil

Top 10 Flu-Fighting Tips

Turn on the news, check a newspaper, talk to friends and family…there’s no denying that the flu is hitting north Texas with the force of a hurricane. Doctors advise rushing out to get the flu vaccine, but keeping your body in tip-top shape will also greatly reduce your risk.  The following is a list of the top immunity boosting/flu fighting tips. Even if you can’t do them all, do as many as you can so that you have the best fighting chance. This season, you’ll need all the help you can get:

Vitamin D

1. Adequate levels of Vitamin D are essential for our immune systems to function the way it is designed to. Unfortunately, there are no significant dietary sources of Vitamin D — most of our intake comes from exposure to sunlight. To optimize your Vitamin D levels, you’ll need to take a Vitamin D3 supplement daily. This is the most important step you can take to prevent the flu!


A strong immune system relies heavily on having a healthy, well-functioning gut — and probiotics help keep your gut engine humming. A recent study confirmed that probiotics could help fight off colds. Look for a probiotic with 10-20 billion organisms and take one every day. A quick, tasty and easy way to get some probiotics is to drink an 8 ounce glass of kefir, a yogurt drink. You can find it in most specialty grocery stores like Sprouts and Natural Grocers.

Top Herbs

Immunity-boosting antiviral herbs contain thousands of medicinal compounds that attack viruses with a full spectrum of synergistic substances — and without creating resistant viral strains. Four great antivirals are andrographis, olive leaf extract, grapefruit seed extract and elderberry extract. (Elderberry is a favorite of Manning Wellness Clinic). Use one or several in combination as a prophylactic measure, particularly if you spend time in high-traffic areas such as airports, offices, theaters, etc.

Get rid of the leftover holiday sweets

In other words, avoid sugar and processed foods. Sugar is a poison which, among other things, dramatically decreases immune function — so lay off the stuff. And processed foods? Virtually all of the nutrients get processed right out of them so they do nothing to strengthen immunity. Talk about empty calories!

Eat your salad!

Colorful salads and dark greens are loaded with flu-fighting phytonutrients, so pile your plate high. If you know that you are not likely to eat enough greens per day (1 lettuce leaf on your sandwich helps but doesn’t quite cut it), consider adding a supplement like Juice Plus to your diet. We have Juice Plus available through Manning Wellness Clinic. Click on the link to contact Dr. Manning and find out if Juice Plus is a good fit for you and your family.

Garlic….and more garlic

Not only does garlic repel vampires, it also has antiviral properties and is a known immunity booster. My advice? Dig in!  If you’re worried about your breath, eat some fresh parsley–the chlorophyll in the parsley will help neutralize the garlic and to minimize the stink-breath.


One key to a strong immune system? Sleep! Get plenty of it to allow the body to restore and repair itself while you rest. Shoot for at least seven hours a night and try taking a 20-minute catnap if you’re falling short.

Get moving

Adequate exercise helps keep your immune system healthy and robust, so keep moving throughout the winter.

Chill out

Reduce stress, particularly during flu season. Do breathing exercises, yoga or simply things you enjoy, to help boost immunity, relieve tension and enhance physical and mental resilience.

Soap and water

Instead, wash hands frequently with good, old-fashioned hot water and chemical-free soap. Skip the antibacterials as they are loaded with toxins and increase the risk of creating resistant bacteria. They also over-dry and crack the skin, making transmission of viruses that much easier.

And a bonus #11…..


Get regular chiropractic care! Chiropractic helps your body to operate smoothly. Basically, think of your body like a car; with regular maintenance and proper care, your car will run smoothly, without interruption, without interference, and will cost you less in the long run. Chiropractic is it’s own immunity booster because it keeps your body operating smoothly and strengthens your entire system.


Kale Chips Recipe

Great, easy recipe for kale chips

Tech-Neck: Expert Offers Tips for Reducing and Avoiding Pain and Injury

Dr. Jeff Manning, a leading expert on a new technology-related discomfort called ‘tech-neck’, is featured in an interview on WFAA-TV in Dallas.

Click to watch:  Tech-neck is a growing problem, but Chiropractic can help

Tips from Dr. Jeff Manning, Manning Wellness Clinic; How to Reduce or Prevent Handheld Device Related Pain:


  • Limit the amount of time and frequency that you use your device. If you have to use it for an extended period of time, take breaks. Rule of thumb: Take a 5-minute break for every 15 minutes you use your device, and don’t type for more than 3 minutes straight.  Get up and walk around to stretch your muscles. One simple exercise is to tilt your head to one side (ear to shoulder) then to the other side, back to neutral, turn to look all the way to the right, then left.  Back to neutral, then lean head back and back to neutral.  Do all without raising shoulders. Don’t stretch forward…this only accentuates the poor posture your trying to avoid. Do it slowly, without straining. Repeat.


  • Be aware of your posture.  Pay attention to how you hold your device. Try to keep your wrists straight and upright. Loosen your grip when possible.  Alternate the fingers you use to type; if you most often use your thumbs, try to switch to your index finger as it allows you to keep the hands more relaxed.


  • Use a tablet holder: There are many on the market, but all have the common goal of securing the tablet at a height that is designed to reduce your need to keep your head bent down and forward. Keeping your device at eye-level will help to reduce neck pain and possible damage. It can also prevent what is know as “text-neck” or head-forward posture.
  • Listen to your body: If you are experiencing pain in your neck, back, shoulders, hand…or eye-strain, pay attention. Those aches and pains have a source, and in this case, it may be technology.  Overuse of handheld devices can also exacerbate an existing or old injury so be aware of what you are feeling. Don’t’ fall into the trap of, ‘If I ignore it, maybe it will go away’.
  • Seek help: If you are experiencing discomfort, don’t wait, seek professional help.



Dr. Jeffrey Manning, DC

Manning Wellness Clinic

2702 McKinney Avenue, suite 202

Dallas, TX 75204






Stress: No Two Chiropractic Patients are ever the Same


Think about you feel when you’re stressed: Are you in pain? Do your muscles tighten? Do you eat more or less? Is your stomach in knots? Are you short of breath? Are you forgetful? Sad? Though our symptoms differ, one thing remains the same: Our bodies feel the impact of stress and one way or another, our bodies will tell us they need help. Without help, the stress, not unlike black mold, will invade our systems. It is well documented that high levels of stress can contribute to heart disease, cancer, headaches, ulcers, digestive disturbances, backaches and nearly every other condition known to mankind.

Stress is a nervous system reaction that causes your heart to beat faster, your muscles to be tense, your stomach to tighten, and your hair follicles to stand up, all as a way to prepare your body for an emergency. When you interpret a situation as stressful, whether it truly is or not, your brain triggers this reaction by sending a signal over your spinal cord and nervous system to every cell of your body.

Where your body breaks down from stress may depend on whether or not you have a condition known as vertebral subluxation. A vertebral subluxation is a spinal injury that interferes with the normal function of your nervous system which can affect your health on every level whether you have symptoms or not. If you have this in your spine, your body is already pre-stressed.

Some people deal with stress through deep breathing, meditation, exercise and healthy food choices–all very good things to do as part of your lifestyle to counter-balance stress, but if your nervous system is pre-stressed, the slightest deviation from the perfect stress management plan can send you into a frustrating, uncomfortable, or painful tailspin. Removing this pre-stress causing subluxation can improve your resistance to daily stressors dramatically.

Research shows that it only takes the weight of a dime to reduce nerve transmission. Additional research has found that nerve compression can exist without pain and can cause deterioration within two weeks.

In this pre-stressed condition, your body becomes more vulnerable to outside stresses while other people may be much more resistant. The location of the subluxation can determine what types of symptoms, if any, you experience. For example, someone with nerve interference in the upper part of the neck might feel headaches, have allergies, or a stiff neck. Because the nerves fibers that come out of the upper neck also go to the entire body, pressure here can literally cause or mimic nearly every symptom or disease you can name.

Interference to the nerve supply in the lower back can cause a backache, leg problems and also affect ovary, prostate, bladder or bowel function. Interference to the nerves in the middle of your back can affect your heart and lungs or cause tension, stomach problems, digestive disturbances and discomfort.

“I have adjusted patients who have come in for lower-back pain, but then reported to me that they were able to sleep better…or no longer felt numbness in their fingers…or in a recent case, my female patient reported that her menstrual cycle seemed to be ‘kick-started’ after being adjusted,” reports Dr. Jeff Manning, DC, of the Manning Wellness Clinic in Dallas, Texas. Dr. Manning adds, “Although that patient was shocked, I wasn’t; I know that removing interference within the body can have incredible, widespread results in fertility and health overall.”

The scary part is that like most serious conditions, vertebral subluxations can cause stress for decades without any symptoms. This is when serious problems occur, many of which could have been avoided by eliminating this pre-stressed condition right away. The birth process, childhood falls, sports injuries and poor lifestyle habits are just a few causes of subluxations. Rather than getting to the cause and removing this underlying problem, many people attempt to chase their symptoms away with drugs, or another type of quick fix, and then wonder why their condition returns. Removing the cause and optimizing the function of your nervous system is a better immediate and long-term plan.

Regardless or your symptoms, a chiropractic examination can locate pre-stressed areas in your spine that may be affecting your health on every level.

Crisis care–only receiving care when you are hurt–is one way to deal with stress, but a much better option is to remove the subluxation and stress from your body and keep it as a part of your lifestyle. This will help you to reduce stress, increase activity and happiness, live more, and enjoy the quality of life you deserve.


(Excerpts from TFP, Inc and

Staying Healthy with Chiropractic: All Germs are Not Created Equal

We’ve been taught by our mothers, and our mothers by their mothers, and so on, and so on, and so on: Wash your hands! But I remember, and it wasn’t too, too long ago, when as a kid, straight from the playground, dirt under the nails, I’d eat my lunch. We didn’t use hand sanitizers at every turn, and we seemed to do just fine. I’m not saying hand washing is not important–it is–but there can be a limit and we have to keep in mind that our bodies, when healthy, can put up quite a fight. The following article from Parenting really says it all:


It’s understandable that parents want to keep their children’s environments clean, especially when kids are young. Moms wash bottles in hot water, clean pacifiers that fall on the ground, and take dirty things out of their kids’ mouths. But overall, when it comes to germs, most people have it backward: With relatively few exceptions, they are good for our kids. Keeping things clean is smart, but going crazy using antibacterial hand soaps, buying antibacterial kids’ toys and other products, and overusing antibiotic medications is actually killing off the microbes that can help strengthen the immune system. Antibacterial products may help to reduce some infections, but they also promote the growth of drug-resistant organisms and weaken the good bacteria within us. Rather than focus on killing germs, we need to think about how to encourage their growth.

Supporting the “right” bacteria can have a huge health payoff for your kids: fewer ear infections, tummy aches, episodes of diarrhea, urinary-tract infections, and food allergies. It can even help kids fight off coughs, colds, and fevers. Here’s how to ensure your kids have enough of the good stuff:

Feed your kids right. Give them foods that naturally contain helpful organisms. These include yogurt, pickles, dark chocolate, and feta cheese. In some cases , it may be useful to give a probiotic supplement (available at most pharmacies and health-food stores) containing beneficial live bacteria. All of these foods and supplements are fine to give kids starting at around 6 months. There are other foods to include in their diet that don’t actually contain good germs but help to nurture them: garlic, onions, asparagus, whole oats, whole wheat, honey (for children over age 1), and bananas.

Make safe and smart choices. Keep your kids away from cigarette smoke; exposure can kill off favorable bacteria. As for antibiotic drugs, don’t insist that your pediatrician prescribe them when he says they’re not necessary. These drugs eliminate both good and bad bacteria. If your kids do have to take antibiotics, make sure they get probiotics, too, to restore the body’s supply of good bacteria.

Keeping the body’s bacteria in balance doesn’t take a lot of effort, but it can have big benefits. Starting these habits young can help keep kids healthy for life.

Between Chiropractic Visits: Avoiding Back Pain at Work

How to Work Without Back Pain

Is sitting at your desk making you feel stiff and creaky, like you’re 100 years old? You can’t ditch the job, but you can make some small changes so you can get through the day with less pain. You are definitely not alone; according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, a whopping 34 percent of all lost-workday injuries and illnesses are work-related musculoskeletal disorder, including Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, tendonitis and lower back pain.

Dr. Jeff Manning, DC, owner of Manning Wellness Clinic in Dallas, TX,  offers the following tips to stop your workstation from giving you any undue stress.

Adjust your desk height:  “If you are raising your arm up just to reach your keyboard and mouse, it puts your body in an unnatural position and can easily contribute to neck, shoulder and arm pain, 3 of the most common symptoms my patients report,”  says Dr. Manning. The ideal position for sitting and typing is when your arms form a 90- to 110-degree angle. If you need to flex your wrists up to meet your keyboard, raise your chair height or sit on a pillow. Just be sure that your feet aren’t left dangling. “Buy or create a footrest–even a cardboard box will do– so that your feet can rest on something,” Dr. Manning says.

Get connected:  If you spend time typing or searching for information online, while talking on the phone, a headset is a must. Cradling a phone between your shoulder and chin can put serious strain in your neck. “Again, this is an unnatural position causing excessive muscle contractions and reduced blood flow to the muscles,” explains Dr. Manning. If a headset is not an option, at the very least, make sure to switch the phone from side to side to even things out.” There are devices you can attach to the phone to make cradling it more comfortable, but Dr. Manning warns, “These do not significantly change the position of the neck and can give a person a false sense of security. ”

Get up and move: While dancing around your desk is not the best option, any movement–even a short walk–will do your body good.  Sitting in one place for an extended period of time puts strain on your muscles. “When you’re sitting for a long time, your back muscles tend to deactivate, which leads to poor posture and in time, to back pain,” says Dr. Manning. And he adds, “The lack of muscle activation in your back can also lead to shoulder and neck pain, a common complaint of many people who sit at a desk all day. Sitting in a slumped position creates tension in your shoulders and can overstretch your spinal ligaments, causing strain on the discs.”  Try to note the time and stand or stretch hourly. You can add shoulder and wrist rolls to keep things properly moving. To do shoulder rolls, sit or stand comfortably erect, and slowly roll your shoulders forward in large circles three or four times. Then reverse direction. Simple move, but it works wonders.

Uncross your legs: “I see patients often times who have much tighter muscles on one side of their body, and the pain is especially evident in their lower backs. In some cases, I even see rotation of the pelvis as a result of the strained muscles,” says Dr. Manning. “When we go over their patient history, they’ll say that they can’t pinpoint anything that would cause the problems. But with questioning, they’ll’ admit to sitting at their desks for hours, favoring one leg crossed over the other. If it’s the same leg over and over, that side of the body will show the effects.” Dr. Manning says it’s best to sit with your legs on the floor or on a small box rather than crossed. He suggests, “Put a Post-it note on your computer to remind yourself….that’s how important it is to uncross.”

Dr. Jeff Manning, DC, is the owner of Manning Wellness Clinic,  a top-rated comprehensive chiropractic clinic located in the heart of Uptown/downtown Dallas. We also offer massage therapy, acupuncture, and hypnosis. 
Manning Wellness Clinic
2702 McKinney Avenue, suite 202
Dallas, TX 75204

Observations from a Bike: A Chiropractor’s Top 5 list of Cycling Ailments


Dr. Jeff Manning, DC, owner of the Manning Wellness Clinic in Dallas, along with more than 3000 cyclists, took part in the Tour Dallas Road Rally this past Saturday, April 7.  With the help of countless Dallas Police officers along the route, riders were assured a safe ride through downtown, over viaducts,  and through parts of east Dallas.  Biking is one of the best ways to see a city, and the annual Tour Dallas is always a well-planned, well-executed, perfect-for-all-levels-of-rider rally.  For Team Manning Wellness, which completed the 2o-mile loop of the tour, it was family affair, complete with Dr. Manning’s wife, Meridith, and 2 daughters.

“Along the route, I couldn’t help but notice riders non-verbally showing signs of discomfort and pain,” says Dr. Manning.  “What can I say…as an avid cyclist and a chiropractor, pain is just one of those subtle—or not so subtle–things I take note of.”  Dr. Manning, along with his massage therapists, offered free massage and chiropractic consultations at the Manning Wellness tent afterwards, where he says, his suspicions were confirmed: “Cyclists definitely show patterns of injury, stiffness, soreness, and overall discomfort.”

Here are the top 5 symptoms:

1. Numbness and tingling in the hands or fingers

2. Neck pain

3. Pain across shoulders

4. Lower back pain/SI joint point

5. Knee pain

Dr. Manning says the good news is that many of these ailments can be relieved with properly targeted chiropractic adjustments and muscle work, and can be prevented by having an expert check the fit of your bike.  Call area bike shops to see if they have a specialist who can properly fit you for a bike. This is often a paid service, so ask beforehand and check online reviews and/or with local cycling clubs to find the best option near you.

There are several at-home stretches you can do, especially to ease soreness in the lower back. Before trying any strenuous stretching at home, it’s best to see a chiropractor, especially if you’ve been experiencing symptoms for more than several weeks and/or if you’ve had an injury in the past. Chiropractors will tailor stretches to target your muscles while helping you to avoid injury.


Manning Wellness Clinic  2702 McKinney Ave, s. 202   Dallas, TX 75204    214-720-2225

Manning Wellness Clinic is a top-rated comprehensive chiropractic clinic servicing Uptown, downtown, Park Cities and the Oak Lawn areas of Dallas.