Can Fast Food lead to Asthma, Hay Fever and Eczema? New Study Suggests Link

CNN: Teenagers and young children who eat fast food could be increasing their risk of developing asthma, eczema and hay fever, according to a study published Monday in the British Medical Journal’s respiratory journal Thorax.

The International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC) study used written questionnaires completed by 319,196 13-  and 14-year-olds from 51 countries and by the parents of 181,631 6- and 7-year-olds in 31 countries.  They were asked if they had symptoms of the three conditions and about their weekly diet – including the types of foods they ate over the last year, and how often.

“We found clear associations between certain foods and severe asthma, hay fever (or allergic rhinoconjunctivitis) and eczema in the largest study of allergies in children (aged 6-7 years) and adolescents (13-14 years) to date,” said study author Hywel Williams of the Centre for Evidence Based Dermatology, Queen’s Medical Centre, University Hospital, Nottingham, UK.  According to Williams, the associations between allergic diseases and fast food were “only really convincing for severe disease.”

Researchers saw a protective effect against severe asthma for those who ate fruit at least three times a week.  Those consuming fast food three or more times a week had about a 30% increased risk of severe asthma, hay fever and eczema, a chronic skin condition that causes scaly, itchy rashes.  The results were consistent in both age groups.  Affluence and gender did not change or affect the outcome.

“The cautionary notes are that this study showed an association, which does not always mean that the link between food and allergies is causal,” Williams said. “It could be due to other factors linked to behavior that we have not measured, or it could be due to biases that occur in studies that measure disease and ask about previous food intake.”

Study authors say if further research shows that consuming a lot of fast food actually does cause these types of allergies, it could have major public health implications because of the rise in fast food consumption globally.

“It’s not at all surprising to me that a disease as complex as asthma would be directly affected by diet.  We’ve known for a while that diet can affect immune system function with certain foods being pro or anti-inflammatory,” says Dr. Stephen Teach, who is the chief of the Division of Allergy and Immunology at Children’s National Medical Center in Washington and was not involved in the research.

“Given that asthma’s inherently an inflammatory disease, with swelling and inflammation of the small to medium-size airways of the lung, it is not at all surprising that diet should affect those processes in some way.”

Teach said it’s important to note that these are associations only. “In other words, it would be wrong to assume from the results of this study that fast foods directly cause allergic disease.  It is possible that some unmeasured effect of socioeconomic status or environment which correlates with fast foods may in fact be responsible.”

Either way, Williams said, there is a take-home message for parents.  He says you don’t have to stop eating fast food entires, ” but to eat a balanced diet with plenty of fresh fruit and maybe less fast food – one or two times per week rather than three or more – if your child has allergies.”


The Healthiest 31 Foods you should be Eating Now!








It’s still close enough to January 1st for many of us to still be trying to stick to our resolutions. For my family, that always means eating as many healthy foods as possible. It’s a fact of life that some days that happens more than others. But check out this list of the top 31 foods you should be eating. Even if you can’t get most of the list into your diet daily, strive to get as many as possible. Your body will thank you. Print the list…keep it handy….highlight a food you’ve never tried and commit to try it within the next week.


Without further adieu……The Top 31 Foods:

  • Black Beans
  • Kale
  • Salmon
  • Walnuts
  • Pumpkin
  • Apples
  • Blueberries
  • Bananas
  • Broccoli
  • Spinach
  • Sweet Potatoes
  • Kidney Beans
  • Lentils
  • Red Beets
  • Eggplant
  • Brussels Sprouts
  • Tomatoes
  • Whole-Wheat Bread
  • Quinoa
  • Steel-Cut Oatmeal
  • Bulgur
  • Lean Meat
  • Flaxseeds
  • Chia Seeds
  • Almonds
  • Tuna
  • Fat-Free Milk
  • Fat-Free Greek Yogurt
  • Dark Chocolate
  • Red Wine
  • Extra-Virgin Olive Oil

Top 10 Flu-Fighting Tips

Turn on the news, check a newspaper, talk to friends and family…there’s no denying that the flu is hitting north Texas with the force of a hurricane. Doctors advise rushing out to get the flu vaccine, but keeping your body in tip-top shape will also greatly reduce your risk.  The following is a list of the top immunity boosting/flu fighting tips. Even if you can’t do them all, do as many as you can so that you have the best fighting chance. This season, you’ll need all the help you can get:

Vitamin D

1. Adequate levels of Vitamin D are essential for our immune systems to function the way it is designed to. Unfortunately, there are no significant dietary sources of Vitamin D — most of our intake comes from exposure to sunlight. To optimize your Vitamin D levels, you’ll need to take a Vitamin D3 supplement daily. This is the most important step you can take to prevent the flu!


A strong immune system relies heavily on having a healthy, well-functioning gut — and probiotics help keep your gut engine humming. A recent study confirmed that probiotics could help fight off colds. Look for a probiotic with 10-20 billion organisms and take one every day. A quick, tasty and easy way to get some probiotics is to drink an 8 ounce glass of kefir, a yogurt drink. You can find it in most specialty grocery stores like Sprouts and Natural Grocers.

Top Herbs

Immunity-boosting antiviral herbs contain thousands of medicinal compounds that attack viruses with a full spectrum of synergistic substances — and without creating resistant viral strains. Four great antivirals are andrographis, olive leaf extract, grapefruit seed extract and elderberry extract. (Elderberry is a favorite of Manning Wellness Clinic). Use one or several in combination as a prophylactic measure, particularly if you spend time in high-traffic areas such as airports, offices, theaters, etc.

Get rid of the leftover holiday sweets

In other words, avoid sugar and processed foods. Sugar is a poison which, among other things, dramatically decreases immune function — so lay off the stuff. And processed foods? Virtually all of the nutrients get processed right out of them so they do nothing to strengthen immunity. Talk about empty calories!

Eat your salad!

Colorful salads and dark greens are loaded with flu-fighting phytonutrients, so pile your plate high. If you know that you are not likely to eat enough greens per day (1 lettuce leaf on your sandwich helps but doesn’t quite cut it), consider adding a supplement like Juice Plus to your diet. We have Juice Plus available through Manning Wellness Clinic. Click on the link to contact Dr. Manning and find out if Juice Plus is a good fit for you and your family.

Garlic….and more garlic

Not only does garlic repel vampires, it also has antiviral properties and is a known immunity booster. My advice? Dig in!  If you’re worried about your breath, eat some fresh parsley–the chlorophyll in the parsley will help neutralize the garlic and to minimize the stink-breath.


One key to a strong immune system? Sleep! Get plenty of it to allow the body to restore and repair itself while you rest. Shoot for at least seven hours a night and try taking a 20-minute catnap if you’re falling short.

Get moving

Adequate exercise helps keep your immune system healthy and robust, so keep moving throughout the winter.

Chill out

Reduce stress, particularly during flu season. Do breathing exercises, yoga or simply things you enjoy, to help boost immunity, relieve tension and enhance physical and mental resilience.

Soap and water

Instead, wash hands frequently with good, old-fashioned hot water and chemical-free soap. Skip the antibacterials as they are loaded with toxins and increase the risk of creating resistant bacteria. They also over-dry and crack the skin, making transmission of viruses that much easier.

And a bonus #11…..


Get regular chiropractic care! Chiropractic helps your body to operate smoothly. Basically, think of your body like a car; with regular maintenance and proper care, your car will run smoothly, without interruption, without interference, and will cost you less in the long run. Chiropractic is it’s own immunity booster because it keeps your body operating smoothly and strengthens your entire system.


Best and Worst Breakfasts for your Health


From Healthline: Fast-food breakfast sandwiches could be “a time bomb in a bun”—and eating even one fat-laden morning meal has immediate adverse effects on your arteries, according to a new study presented at the Canadian Cardiovascular Congress meeting in Toronto.

A high-fat diet is linked to increased risk for atherosclerosis (narrowing of arteries due to plaque deposits), but the study suggests that damage that could lead to a heart attack or stroke may start sooner than was previously thought.

Just one day of eating a fat-laden breakfast sandwich–such as egg, cheese and ham sandwich on a bun – and “your blood vessels become unhappy,” said Heart and Stroke Foundation researcher Dr. Todd Anderson, director of the Libin Cardiovascular Institute of Alberta and head of cardiac science at the University of Calgary in a statement.

The study measured blood flow through the forearm in 20 healthy people (average age 23). The researchers mentioned that the sandwich used in the study contained ham, egg, and cheese but did not name the restaurant from which it came. The goal was to reveal the risks of eating a general type of widely available breakfast sandwich, not to point the finger at specific restaurant. The test was done twice: once on a day when they’d eaten two fast-food breakfast sandwiches of a type that available anywhere in the US or Canada, and again on another day when they’d fasted. The sandwiches contained a whopping 50 grams of fat and 900 calories.

Impaired Blood Flow Two Hours After Meal

Compared to volunteers who skipped breakfast, those who consumed the fatty sandwiches showed impaired blood flow in their forearms two hours after the greasy morning meal. That’s because their vessels were less able to dilate (widen) and deliver oxygenated blood to the heart.

While the effects from a single meal were temporary, over time such arterial changes could set the stage for a heart attack or stroke, the researchers report. They used a test called velocity time integral that measures how much blood flow can increase after a brief interruption (compressing the arm with a blood pressure cuff). The higher the velocity, the “happier” the blood vessels are.

While one cheesy sandwich isn’t going to do lasting damage, the researchers say that their results highlight the importance of limiting fat, cholesterol, calories, and salt to prevent heart attacks and strokes. A junk-food diet has also been linked to increased risk for dementia, a memory-robbing disorder that has been called “type 3 diabetes.”

What’s the Worst Breakfast of All?

Whether you’re looking to slim down, build muscle, train for a marathon, or just protect your health, breakfast really is the most important meal of the day. And a fast-food morning meal is not the worse choice. Instead, the unhealthiest option is not eating a morning meal at all.

Not only do people who skip their morning meal—or begin the day with only a cup of coffee—have less energy, worse moods, and poorer memory those who eat breakfast, studies show, but they also face some serious health risks. First of all,they’re up to 450 percent more likely to become obese, which in turn boosts risk for a wide range of ailments, including cardiovascular disease—the leading killer of Americans—gout, joint problems, and even some forms of cancer.

A 2012 study published in American Journal of Clinical Nutrition also reports that people who regularly skip breakfast have a 21 percent higher risk for type 2 diabetes. The researchers tracked about 29,000 men for 16 years and found that the increased risk remained even when body mass index was into account. Scientists suspect that a morning meal helps keep blood sugar levels stable during the day.

What’s the Healthiest Breakfast?

The right breakfast not only reduces risk for overeating later in the day, but also revs up metabolism, fuels your body and brain, and helps you maintain a healthy weight. For example, 80 percent of participants in the ongoing National Weight Control Registry study (which tracks more than 4,000 people who have dropped 30 or more pounds and kept them off for a year or longer) eat breakfast regularly.

Nutritionists advise including both lean protein and fiber in your morning meal, such as whole-grain unsweetened or low-sugar cereal mixed with non-fat yogurt, low-fat milk, or soy milk and topped with fresh fruit. Researchers at University of Texas at El Paso report that eating a filling breakfast helps people consume an average of 100 fewer calories per day, enough to add up to ten-pound weight loss over a year.

The Breakfast Food that Fights Belly Fat

Another study linked having whole-grain cereal for breakfast with reduced levels of cortisol, a stress hormone linked to both weight gain and a tendency to accumulate belly fat. A large waistline is the leading warning sign of metabolic syndrome, which quintuple risks for type 2 diabetes and triple it for heart attack.

95 percent of Americans don’t eat the recommended three ounces of whole grains a day, which you can get from a slice of whole-wheat bread, a 6-inch whole-grain corn tortilla, or a serving of cereal. The health benefits of whole grain include:

  • Longer life. A high-fiber diet can cut risk of death from cardiovascular causes by nearly 60 percent, according to a recent nine-year study of nearly 400,000 people ages 50 and older.
  • A healthier heart. Soluble fiber in oatmeal and out bran reduces LDL “bad,” cholesterol and total cholesterol.
  • Weight loss. Whole grains digest more slowly than refined grains, which keeps blood sugar levels stable rather than stimulating insulin.

Kale Chips Recipe

Great, easy recipe for kale chips